With the start of the new quarter, it is not too late to have a fresh start with new people and new surprises. For me, it’s “been there, done that” when forgetting someone who I’m in love with or used to be in love with. I remember going through this process myself, but I learned a lot from this campus about how to challenge my negative thoughts with all the activities that SCC provides: clubs, dance parties, volunteering, free events and even those boring classes.
Many of you have been in this position before and have gone through pain that can ruin your goals, especially the goal of doing well in this quarter. However, breaking up can be a way for us to show a better side of ourselves and reveal the new you. Do not let the memories keep chasing you. Maybe this is the perfect time to say sayonara to them. While time is the best healer, here are some ways to say goodBYE to that sad, sad feeling.
Be Active!
Make yourself busy! Doing things that make you feel fulfilled can make you feel whole again. Join clubs, attend events, participate in competitions. Being active also keeps you being productive and leads you to meet a lot of different people.
You can also fill your schedule with your family and friends on the weekend. Surrounding yourself with the ones you love can help you get through the process of moving on. Try something new with them. For instance, trying new sports or new foods, visiting museums, taking family road trips, or even just playing a board game as a way to distract yourself from your negative feelings. This also can be a door to create great new memories with your family and friends that you may not have been able to make before!
You time
A breakup might be the best time to realize that you need to forget about what’s over and rebuild yourself again. Do not keep thinking about moving on—remember, it’s all about you now! Try to focus on you. You can change your appearance by cutting your hair to have a fresh look, change the way you dress or use more perfume. Do not forget that you also need something to upgrade your brain and your heart.
Well, it’s you time! So, study hard, be a responsive student in the classroom, be engaging and you will see all the positive results at the end of the quarter. Be extra nice and kind to people, train your personality towards the community around you because what goes around, comes back around, right?
End of the chapter
Yep, that’s it. Finally, you realized it’s the end of the chapter. You can’t start a new relationship if you’re not over the last one, so throw those bad memories far, far away, friend! You might hate your ex because of their actions in the past, but you can always look forward to what’s coming next. Isn’t that what life is supposed to be about? Looking forward to what’s ahead of us?
You’ve probably heard “forgive and forget.” No more anger and no more hate, just more forgiving and forgetting because that’s the best way to move on from someone. After you successfully say goodBYE, don’t waste your time with something that prevents you from finding yourself. As you learn from your experiences, make them an open door to a whole new exciting world.
–Davira Shaffena