ASG In Review — Oct. 9, 2020

Kirk Meyers, News Editor

The Associated Student Government (ASG) is holding board meetings through Zoom for the rest of the spring quarter. As usual, meetings are held every other Monday. Students are welcome to join to voice concerns or speak to their representatives. This meeting was held on Oct. 5, with the next scheduled for Oct. 19. Budget and Finance Officer Nathan Sidik began the meeting by giving ASG’s mini grant budget report: $25,000.00 out of $25,000.00.

New Business

SCOF Free Reusable Cloth Face Masks

The Sustainability and Commuter Options Fee committee at SCC approved a plan to supply free reusable cloth face masks for all SCC students currently residing within the U.S., request forms for said masks should be readily available within the coming weeks.

Mini Grants

Zoom Public Speaker

The Gender Equity Center requested funds to secure American autistic disability rights activist, Lydia Brown, as a public speaker for a Zoom conference held in honor of Disability Awareness Month (October).

Lydia Brown — who identifies as transgender and gender nonconforming — aims to shed some light upon how their two identities of autism and gender intersect with one another, and often do in the LGBTQ+ community. They will also further establish the history of the disability and LGBTQ+ rights movement to further inform and spread awareness.

The Gender Equity Center, with the aid of the Multicultural Center and Student Accessibility Services, hope that students may attend the Zoom conference, so that they can further understand and learn for their own edification.
Requested: $3,000
Granted: $3,000

Nominee Approvals

Appointment Review Committees

Appointment Review Committees are assembled by teachers who want a tenured position. Students appointed to these committees become part of the review process the tenure-tracked teachers must go through before attaining tenured status. The ASG Board is tasked with appointing student volunteers to said positions, but postponed discussion of the matter to their next meeting.