ASG in Review: Nov. 7, 2022

Paris Apodaca, News Editor

The Associated Student Government (ASG) holds board meetings every alternate week on Mondays at 3 p.m. in Room 1010. These meetings are open to the SCC community. Students are encouraged to attend, participate and share their perspectives.

New Business:

Mini-Grant Requests

The instrumental music program requested $1,600 for a jazz concert on campus. The goal of this event is to promote SCC’s music department to other high school students and the SCC community.

DECA requested a mini-grant for an event. Alumni will be at this event to demonstrate the nature of competitions and explain what the essence of the program is. There will be refreshments.Their active member count is around 50 students, with an expected attendance of 30-40 members.

Club Recognitions

The Indigenous Peoples Association was approved. Their club is a safe space to explore indigenous heritage. They also want to educate others about their culture. They are planning a drumming event.

The Photography Club was approved. They want to meet weekly to edit photos and share work with each other. Their motto is “Learn more by doing more”. Members don’t necessarily need a camera; A phone will work fine. The group will most likely purchase one professional camera to share among themselves. To promote their club, they intend to have contests on Instagram to see whose picture gets the most likes.

The Culinary Club was recognized by the ASG. This cooking club will be the first one of its kind for SCC. The group will learn the art of cooking under the supervision of their advisor to make sure people don’t hurt themselves.

The next ASG meeting is scheduled for Nov. 21.