Spindrift is Shoreline’s art and literary magazine, facilitated by Prof. Parisa Ghaderi, who curates artworks of many types from SCC students locally and from around the world. After collecting the submissions, the artworks are displayed in a showcase on the wall right in front of the to give these small artists a chance to shine.
Passersby will then get the chance to pick their favorites and the ones with the most votes will be published in Spindrift. As Ghaderi said, “If you see art you like in particular, please vote for them.”
This year’s Spindrift showcase included a great variety of submissions ranging from abstract art, photography, representative art, character design art and so on. My personal favorite was No. 34, which consists of multiple creature designs which reminds me of eldritch horror creatures. No matter how outlandish or alien the creatures look, eldritch horror creatures are almost always inspired by something from the real world.
As to why the artworks were labeled only by their respective numbers instead of the names of the artists and the artwork, well it’s simple really. Ghaderi said “The artworks for public voting needed to be anonymous for equity.” As for the winners, the issue will be published soon, but as of early June, there are no official dates as to when it will be published.
Spindrift has been publishing student, local, and regional art and literature since 1966 and has amassed numerous awards.The deadline for submissions this year was in March, but the literary journal will return next year for students to showcase their artwork.