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Shoreline Community College's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1965

The Ebbtide

Shoreline Community College's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1965

The Ebbtide

Shoreline Community College's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1965

The Ebbtide

Annabelle Woram, Co-editor

Hey, everyone! I’m Annabelle, a writer of pleasure and purpose and an aspiring journalist. I began writing for The Ebbtide in the fall of 2023 and was asked to become a co-editor. I took a recess from school during the following winter, returned as a staff writer in the spring of 2024, and have remained a co-editor since the fall of 2024. When I’m not interacting with prose and poetry, I’m likely awash in and/or dancing to music, sinking into good food, navigating our many digital spectacles, or embracing my beloveds. Thank you — contributor or reader of our paper — for fueling student journalism.

All content by Annabelle Woram