It is common knowledge that Seattle, alongside Shoreline, doesn’t get too much snow compared to other states. That being said, when it does snow, it paints a perfect, mystical mixture of green and white.
Unfortunately, the Seattle area is ill-equipped to deal with even light snowfall, and the result is a majority of facilities, workplaces, and campuses canceling plans or going online to relieve drivers of icy roads. Normally, closures due to snow don’t last longer than a day or two. However, SCC closed for most of a week this winter: from Feb. 3 to 6. The brand new Library Hide and Seek was called off, one of many affected events and classes.
That being said, not everything about the snow is a problem. In fact, many students enjoyed the snow to some degree. One student, Jason Chan, claimed that he truly enjoyed the snow and took walks, but he felt slightly sad that classes were canceled.
Other students like Juan Davis made use of the fresh powder and went snowboarding. He didn’t miss out on classes; according to him, attending class online is still just as reliable.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it seems like Shoreline isn’t expecting any more snow, and as such, students and staff can expect classes and events to resume a normal schedule.

Here’s the large circular stone by SCC’s bus stop covered in ice and snow.