A student at SCC was allegedly abducted from campus on Dec. 11. Shoreline Police have classified the incident as domestic violence.
The victim, 18, was allegedly forced into a vehicle belonging to a former boyfriend, Gustavo Adolfo Martinez Guardado, according to an SCC Safety and Security report.
Another student attempted to pull the victim away from Martinez Guardado, but was unsuccessful. SCC Safety and Security could not locate any other witnesses.
Martinez Guardado has been charged with a felony for unlawful imprisonment, according to a Shoreline Police Department spokesperson.
The victim returned to campus on foot after 45 minutes via the main gate. She told police that she had not been harmed.

The abduction took place in the parking lot west of the 1500 Building in broad daylight. Photo: Joshua Groom
The incident occurred late in the morning in the west parking lot, adjacent to the 1500 Building. Safety and Security cleared all school parking lots within half an hour of being informed of the crime.
“This is the first time that I could remember … an incident like this,” said Edwin Lucero, SCC’s director of Safety and Security.
The school issued an email notice of police activity to students four hours after the incident took place.
SCC Safety and Security Sergeant Emiliano Gamboa said that the decision to issue an alert to students is not taken lightly, and the process involves many people, including the college president, chief financial officer, Safety and Security director and Communications and Marketing director.
Martha Lynn, the Communications and Marketing director, said that the process to issue an alert is determined in part by the Clery Act: If a threat is posed to the campus, an alert is sent immediately. Otherwise, a “timely notice” is issued to inform students about what happened.
Lucero said that the decision may also include law enforcement agencies.
“Students should not be concerned about their safety,” Gamboa said. “This was an isolated incident with two individuals that are known to each other.”
Correction: An earlier version of this story used an incomplete name for the alleged perpetrator of the abduction. His name is Gustavo Adolfo Martinez Guardado, not Gustavo Martinez.