While other clubs started with tons of paperwork, one new club started with
a YouTube channel, one camera, two iPhones and the same paperwork.
Mina-Yuan Lee, an international student from Taiwan, had her own YouTube channel. Then she had a thought about making another channel to share the events of SCC’s clubs.
However, doing it all by herself seemed like an unachievable goal, and the idea of gathering an SCC video crew came to mind.
Lee’s goal in creating YouToo Club was to let the community knows about SCC’s clubs and events.
“I was lucky because I talked with Kim (Qin Wang) first, that’s why she is the vice president now. I shared my idea with her and she started to get interested,” Lee said.
Lee and Wang started to build the club by finding resources. They talked to many students on how to make a video club. Back then, they both were part of some of the clubs at SCC, so they had access to people who knew how to start a new club.
Lee was the one who came up with the idea to name the club, “YouToo.” So then whenever the audience watched their videos, they might feel like “you too” would want to join the club, she said.

Hoang, Brandon Gonzalez Villalobos, Justin Jeremiah Jap, Minh Thuong Nguyen, Nguyễn Đăng Huy. Front from left: Yuen Ching Li, Mina-yuen Lee, Clara Nathania Lontoh, Brian Thomas, Showtaroh Yanagawa, Chai-Wei Hsu.
The purpose of this club is not only to promote the YouToo Club, but the officers also want to promote other clubs too. Brian Thomas, the club’s videographer, said that this club is like the backbone of a lot of other clubs, because YouToo Club supports the other clubs too.
The first event that they shot was SCC’s Vocal Association’s singing contest. Thomas said that they went there at night and recorded the whole contest from the start to finish. Currently, the video is still in progress because he said they’re making a montage of the event and later on, club editor Yuen Ching “Angela” Li will edit the video.
“For now we already have the footage of the singing contest and we’re gonna be promoting the vocal club while promoting our name,” Thomas said.
Back in high school, Thomas always made videos for his school projects but never had a chance to post his videos publicly. When he discovered the YouToo club, he said that it was a great way to put his skills to work.
There are also disadvantages to being a new club. Thomas said that they have a lack of equipment for shooting videos. For instance, they used one camera and two iPhones to shoot the whole singing competition.
Thomas said that it’s really hard for the officers to show people what professional videos are like and how far they want to take the club because of this small problem.
“We don’t have any budget so we’re using what we have now,” Lee said.
That’s why she wanted to apply for a mini grant, to buy better tools.
On the other hand, Lee said that all the members are first-years, so they don’t have to worry yet about members transferring to universities. Being new students also allowed them to have more time to focus on their club. Regardless of each member’s title and status in the club, the officers say they’re all like a family. And because of that, they’re all able to be “free, creative, crazy,” Lee said, which helps with their ultimate goal of being an open club for all students.
If you are interested in joining the club, the meetings are from 11:30-12:30 p.m. every Friday in the 1700 Building, Room 1727.
By Davira Shaffena,
Ad Manager
Photo by Aditya Wiputra