ASG in review: May 4, 2023

Jeffrey Shirts, News Editor

The Associated Student Government (ASG) is the voice of the student body. They run events and govern student clubs. ASG meets bi-weekly at 3 p.m. on Mondays in Room 1010. The next meeting is May 8, 2023.

Amendments to the meeting notes

Due to a typo in the agenda the meeting date was corrected from May 22 to May 8.

Pop Dance Society: Props

The Pop Dance Society requested a mini-grant of $300 to purchase props for upcoming performances on May 24 and 25 at the student leadership award and the Asian Pacific Islander celebration. The mini-grant was approved by the ASG for $250.

Pop Dance Society: Prom

The Pop Dance Society requested a mini-grant of $13,120 to set up a photo booth at the prom this year, which will be done in collaboration with the ISL. The mini-grant was approved by the ASG for the requested amount.

Chinese Cultural Club

The Chinese Cultural Club asked for a mini grant of $369 to buy a dragon prop to use in future events. The prop will be piloted by a group of 10 student performers who will be recruited by the club and trained to pilot the dragon. The grant was approved for $400.