If you’ve visited the FOSS building this quarter to pay a bill or get an override for a class, you have definitely encountered the new ticketing interface that made its debut on campus in June.

The new ticketing system, Qnomy, was implemented after SCC’s Enrollment and Financial Aid and Financial Services directors saw similar systems in use on other campuses, most notably Everett Community College.
There is also the neat feature of receiving a text message when your ticket is called.
“People are enjoying the fact that they don’t have to wait in line,” said Jennifer Fenske, director of Financial Services.
Previously, lines would form for each individual service provided and there was no way to quickly transfer a student to another service — there would just be another line to wait in.
But is the new system making student services more efficient? “There’re a lot of analytics that come with the system — we haven’t haven’t really dug into them yet,” said Chris Melton, director of Enrollment and Financial Aid. That analysis will happen at the end of fall quarter.
For the time being, student services have received generally positive feedback regarding the new system. Additional features are already in the works; be on the lookout for a queueing app that will allow SCC students to “get in line” as long as they are within a certain radius of campus.