SCC and the International Student Leadership are holding an outing to the Seattle Aquarium. The trip will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 2.
There isn’t yet to be an official shuttle mentioned that will be taking students, however; the rendezvous point will be at Northgate station at 12.45 p.m. that day
A registration form—available since Feb. 16—allowed students to save a spot free of charge for the upcoming trip. Although those who signed up were not guaranteed one of the limited spots when applying for the trip, students who were selected were to be notified by email.

Unfortunately, registrations for the tour were closed prematurely after only a day, “due to an overwhelming number of submissions,” according to their Instagram posting.
Josiah Ophanskiatikul, a Thai student involved with the ISL, shared that although they only had 33 spots available, they received registrations from approximately 100 individuals on that singular day.
If students had previously indicated through the form that they wanted to be put on the waiting list, there is still a chance of getting a spot up until March 1. Nevertheless, if students wish to join the group trip, they are permitted to as long as they purchase their own tickets.
Nonetheless, students interested in joining the group trip are welcome to do so, so long as they purchase their own tickets. According to the official website, admission for the day of the trip is priced at $42.95.