Everybody can save the environment, but this is especially true for some students who have sowed their passion in nature. You can find such people at SCC, and they are called the Environmental Science Club.

SCC’s original environmental club started approximately 10 years ago, and that club was led by three advisers, two of whom were Adria Magrath and Chip Dodd. Both are still professors at SCC.
“I didn’t know there was an environmental club until I talked to my professor,” said Yin Liu, current Environmental Club president. ”I want to have a club because I want to see how I or the other students, as students, can form a group and do something for our community.”
Liu is an SCC student planning to major in environmental science. She re-created the Environmental Club because she was curious about the world of environmental science and its applications in the real world. Her goal is encouraging students to meet their goals in saving the nature surrounding them. The journey of this club started when she asked her professor to rebuild the club. Now she’s putting her dream in the club and collaborating with the club members to save the environment.
Magrath is the revived club’s adviser.
Liu said that the old Environmental Club took field trips to learn about nature.
“But now the club I started, we do have field trips like they did previously because I think that it’s a right way for students to get off from the campus or explore the area in Seattle. They can have an experience in the nature,” Liu said.
Liu and the club members also contributed during Earth Week at SCC last year. She said that the club planted sunflowers and some herbs a two months before Earth Week and gave out the plants for free during the event.
The club also takes care of the plants in the greenhouse by the SCC’s garden.
“We also are having a restoration with Matthew Lopper in Boeing Creek. It’s a volunteering event near our campus, where we can help to plant some trees in the Boeing Creek because it is one of the important parts to protect in the area,” Liu said.
Stepping aside from the natural world, they are also thinking of starting a movie night event. Liu said they will show documentaries or sci-fi. They think this can be a way to raise students’ interest in joining the Environmental Club.
Another event that Liu said will be happening soon is the Second-hand Sale. She made this event because she thinks that since people are transferring soon, some students might want to share their used textbooks and sell them in this event. If you are interested in selling your stuff or maybe buying some old stuff, you can check out their Facebook page and sign up if you want to sell something.
The club’s planned events are all active because Liu wanted to drive the club members to be better contributors to the community around them in terms of saving the environment. Her desire to learn about the environment is mirrored by the way she manages the club.
“That’s the main focus in the club,” she said, “to improve the environment of our school or the community. Educating some students about some necessary knowledge of the environment like recycling, volunteering and participating more.
“For me, it’s having something to do with the students to see how I can contribute as an environmental science major for the community.”
Liu said that she wants the club members to learn about environmental science by actually doing something for the community surrounding them.
If you are interested in joining the club, the meetings are from 1-2 p.m. every Thursday in Room 2712 or you can contact them at [email protected] .
The second hand sale will be held from12:30-2:30 p.m. on Feb. 12 in the Quiet Dining Room.
By Davira Shaffena,
Ad Manager