Events Calendar
events calendar graphic
February 19, 2021
Multicultural Center Gametime
4-6 p.m., Feb. 19; SCC Discord server
The Multicultural Center is hosting an online game session for students to enjoy after a long week of schoolwork.
Multicultural Center Weekly Hangout
2-3 p.m., Feb. 22; Zoom meeting
Join this afternoon Zoom meeting for a chance to spend time with other students and learn about what types of services and assistance the Multicultural Center can offer you.
Unemployment Q&A Sessions
10-11 a.m., Feb. 23; virtual meeting (fill out this form to schedule)
At this Q&A event, participants have the chance to communicate with an Employment Security Department representative for advice on topics such as unemployment claims and appeals, job searching and job training.
Multicultural History Lessons
Feb. 24; Facebook and Instagram
The Multicultural Center will be sharing a variety of history lessons across their social media pages throughout the quarter. Follow their profiles to keep up with each post!
ASG Virtual Drop-In Hours
12 – 2 p.m., Feb. 25; Zoom meeting
The ASG is opening a platform for students to directly voice their questions and/or concerns on Mondays from 6-8 p.m. and Thursdays from 12-2 p.m. through the remainder of winter quarter.
Multicultural Center Gametime
4-6 p.m., Feb. 26; SCC Discord server
The Multicultural Center is hosting an online game session for students to enjoy after a long week of schoolwork.
Winter 2021 Campus Budget Update Meeting #2
1:30-3 p.m., Feb. 26; Zoom meeting
Attendance is open to any of those with questions related to the current SCC budget decisions.
Continuing Student Registration for Spring Quarter Begins
March 1; Register here
Students continuing their education next quarter or returning to SCC within one year of the current quarter are able to register for courses starting on this date.
Benefits Hub Winter Workshop Series — Financial Planning: Banking
6-7 p.m., March 2; Zoom meeting
Join the Benefits Hub to learn more about savings and financial resources available to college students.
Financial Aid 101
3-4 p.m., March 3; Zoom meeting
Financial aid sessions are hosted by SCC to assist students during the application process. Join this meeting to hear about available resources and learn how to check your financial aid status.
For more information, email Amy Stapleton at [email protected] to receive a Zoom link one day prior to the event.
ASG Virtual Drop-In Hours
12-2 p.m., March 4; Zoom meeting
The ASG is opening a platform for students to directly voice their questions and/or concerns on Mondays from 6-8 p.m. and Thursdays from 12-2 p.m. through the remainder of winter quarter.