Not What We Go There to Read
1:47 p.m., Feb. 28, Library
Vandalism was found, which “could be perceived as insensitive,” according to security. No more information was provided.
Consider This Your Warning
12:50 p.m., March 5, 3000 Building
A student was caught smoking marijuana on campus, and was given a warning.
Graffiti… Again
10:53 a.m., March 7, 2900 Building
Whoever you are, I’m not sure what your issue is with this bathroom that you keep doing this, but you really should stop. As usual, the graffiti was illegible, so if this is your desperate attempt to send a message, we’re here to let you know that it isn’t working.
Overcommitted to Eating Healthy
4:55 p.m., March 7, PUB Coffee Shop
Coffee shop staff noticed someone stealing a salad. The foiled thief wasn’t a student, so they were ejected from campus for trespassing.
Overaggressive Fashion Police
2:30 p.m., March 8, 2900 Building
A student was reported for harassing another student because he didn’t like her hair style. The case was referred to the Vice President of Students, Equity and Success.