ASG in review: April 24, 2023
April 28, 2023
The Associated Student Government (ASG) is the voice of the student body. They run events and govern student clubs. ASG meets bi-weekly at 3 p.m. on Mondays in Room 1010. The next meeting is May 8, 2023.
Improv Club
The Improv Club was approved. When the question came up of why SCC needs this club when it already has the Drama Club, the response was that the Drama club’s leader is stepping down. Thus, the clubs may be in some ways inactive. The Drama does not have many performances if any at all and the club’s overall fate is uncertain. In contrast, the Improv Club seeks to help it’s members get better at improv and acting, while also hosting performances from time to time. The club’s first performance is going to be at the beginning of June. The club plans to spread through word of mouth, social media or posters.
Chinese Culture Club
The Chinese Culture Club’s members were not available, so their mini-grant request was tabled until next week.
The Taiwanese Student Association
The Taiwanese Student Association requested a mini-grant of $525 to hold a Taiwanese barbecue at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park on May 19. For students who need transportation, the club will provide a shuttle from SCC to the park. The grant was approved unanimously.
Honors Student Council (HSC)
The HSC requested a mini-grant to put on an event in association with the drama and film departments called the Night of Fun and Games. It will be held on May 12. Students can expect to learn how to play improv games and food will be provided at the event. The event is open to anyone who is interested in it. The grant was approved for $300 with a vote of 6 approvals and 4 abstentions.
ARC Nominations
All of the people who were nominated for the Appointment Review Committee (ARC) positions were approved. The ARC is made up of students who have gone through the application process and have been approved by the student government. The goal of the committee is to approve staff tenure.
The next meeting will be on the May 8.